Teaching experience
- Teaching Assistant for Multivariate Analysis (Spring 2024)
- Instructor for Advanced Statistical Learning - I (Fall 2023)
- Teaching Assistant for Advanced Statistical Learning - II (Spring 2023)
- Teaching Assistant for Advanced Statistical Learning - I (Fall 2022)
- Instructor for Introduction to Learning Science (Summer 2019)
- Teaching Assistant for Lifespan and Human Development (Fall 2016 to Fall 2017)
- ACT Math Instructor (Summer 2015 & 2016)
- Undergraduate and Graduate Professional Development(Behavioral Science) Course, Peer Power Foundation and the University of Memphis, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, Memphis, TN (4 sections, 90 students), 2018
- Pre-college ACT Math Instructor, Peer Power Foundation and U of Memphis, 2016 and 2017 (four groups 150 students) 2017
- Pre-college ACT Science Instructor, Peer Power Foundation and U of Memphis, (six groups 240 students) 2016
Teaching Assistant
- Lifespan and Human Development for Prof. Denise Winsor, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN (Two sections per week,15 to 20 students)
- MGMT 1000, Introduction to Business with Chris Xa, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, Memphis, 2017
Workshop and Conference Event Organized
2020 - 2017 Student Research Forum Chair, University of Memphis
2020 - 2017 Professional Development Seminars and Workshops, University of Memphis, Memphis
- Co-Organized Professional Development seminars and workshops with Graduate Student Association and the Graduate School is pleased to offer a series of seminars and workshops to help Master's, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows develop and enhance their professional skills to succeed in their current positions and future careers [Topic Lists]
- Designed and Developed Professional Development Certificate Program for Graduate School
- Student enrollment increased by 42 %
2019 - Co-organized Doctoral Students & Scholars for Interdisciplinary Research Round table
2019 - Business Doctoral Students Meeting with Dean, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, Memphis
2020 - 2017 Student Research Forum Chair, University of Memphis
- Co-organized the annual event with Graduate School which showcases the diverse research of undergraduate and graduate students
- 120 plus posters, $3000 research award for students from 12 schools
2020 - 2017 Professional Development Seminars and Workshops, University of Memphis, Memphis
- Co-Organized Professional Development seminars and workshops with Graduate Student Association and the Graduate School is pleased to offer a series of seminars and workshops to help Master's, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows develop and enhance their professional skills to succeed in their current positions and future careers [Topic Lists]
- Designed and Developed Professional Development Certificate Program for Graduate School
- Student enrollment increased by 42 %
2019 - Co-organized Doctoral Students & Scholars for Interdisciplinary Research Round table
2019 - Business Doctoral Students Meeting with Dean, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, Memphis
“When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, ‘I am going to produce a work of art.’ I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose, some fact to which I want to draw attention, and my initial concern is to get a hearing.”
—George Orwell
—George Orwell